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Tous Ensemble, En Chemin Avec Jesus

Year 2

We enjoyed our sponcered run for charity!

We are enjoying our gymnastic lessons!


We have been learning how to make different gymnastics shapes in our PE lessons. We are learning that to keep our shapes still, we need to tense our muscles which will also help us to balance if we need to.

The weather finally turned out for us! We had a wonderful afternoon at Sports Day, showing our families how amazing we are! We demonstrated throwing, running, jumping, kicking, balance and coordination skills. It was great to see so many families turn out to support us. 

We were delighted to welcome Team GB Olympic Gymnast Danny Purvis to Emmaus. He delivered a motivational assembly which told us about his journey into gymnastics, before watching a demonstration of his amazing skills. We then had an opportunity to complete a physical activity circuit with Danny and asked lots of questions! 

Ball Skills: Passing and receiving

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High expectations: This week we developed our dribbling skills into passing and receiving a ball while still and on the move! Next week we look at tactics!

Ball Skills: Dribbling

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Independence: This week 2F worked on dribbling in their ball skills lesson. They worked hard to move the ball with soft touches and keep it close to their feet. We first practised stopping a ball with our foot, even though it’s very tempting to use our hands! We had fun and worked hard by playing traffic light games and a game of sharks where we tried to keep our ball close to stop a shark capturing it!

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We demonstrated our learning about the ‘ready position’ today to know how to stop a rolling ball as it moves towards us. We played team games to roll a ball to each other and stop it using one or two hands. We then moved onto passing a ball using an underarm throw. 

Net & Wall Games


Our warm up this week was a game called ‘Copycats’! We worked in pairs to create our own warm up sequence. We did an action, our partner copied before passing the ball to us to stop and perform an action of our own.


We talked about why we warm our bodies up and how oxygen is pumped around our body in our blood! Big discoveries in year 2 today!

The Circus

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We used our facial expressions to demonstrate how different people would move and act at the circus. We created our own sequence that included characters like: a ringmaster, the audience members, a clown, a juggler, an acrobat and a strongman. Can you tell who our movements are representing? 

The Secret Garden

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We practiced our counts of 8 by completing a balance, an ‘on the spot movement’ and a travelling movement to the music in counts of 8.

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Multi-Sports Club

Multi-Sports club & Cultural Capital:


As part of our extra curricular offer, our Y2 children were offered opportunities to join our multi sports club. In this session, we concentrated on team work, communication and determination.


Gymnastics & our Gospel Values:


We worked hard in our PE lesson to learn how balancing affects how we learn to jump and hop. Esmay showed us how to do a wonderful 2:2 jump (taking off and landing on 2 feet). We talked about how we needed lots of practice to make it to the next floor spot in one jump, and discussed how this meant we needed to demonstrate perseverance and determination. Our lesson focussed on the school games value of ‘Self-belief’.


“I know I can do it if I just keep trying my best because I’ll do it and then I’ll be proud of myself” - Jessica
