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Tous Ensemble, En Chemin Avec Jesus

Year 3

Thank you all for your kind wishes and generous gifts. We wish you a happy and safe summer holidays. See you again on Tuesday 3rd September when you join your new Year 4 classes . . . don't forget to give us a wave when you spot us around the school!


If you have any information you would like to share with us about your child, please get in touch using the email address below. In addition, we would always encourage chatting with us at the beginning or the end of the day at drop off/pick up times.

The Year 3 team this year includes ....

As we are now in the final week of the school year, your child will be bringing home their exercise books and contents of their trays. Please could you send them in with a STRONG bag as soon as possible? Thank you!

Week commencing Monday 15th July:  




  • Junior awards assembly
  • Junior awards assembly
  • Watch Y6 leavers' assembly rehearsal
  • Watch Y6 leavers' assembly rehearsal
  • Whole school assembly
  • School closes at 1.30pm
  • Whole school assembly
  • School closes at 1.30pm


Dates for your diary:

Friday 19th July - Break up for SUMMER HOLIDAYS at 1.30pm

Monday 2nd September - INSET Day

Tuesday 3rd September - Back to school with your new Y4 teachers!

Friday 25th October - INSET Day

Mon 28th Oct ~ Fri 1st Nov - Half Term


Term dates 2023-2024

Term dates 2024-2025

As the weather (hopefully) warms up, please make sure your child has a named water bottle with them every day. This can be refilled in school and will help to keep them hydrated throughout the day. Thank you!

This is a book we have been using in our English lessons over the past few weeks. It links nicely to our history topic about the Ancient Egyptians and the children have found it fascinating. It has fantastic facts and beautiful illustrations as well as little pockets and fold-outs hidden among the pages. Many of the children have asked about getting a copy - maybe a nice birthday or Christmas present? 

Please ensure all items of school uniform and PE kit are clearly labelled with your child's name. This makes it easier for us to reunite pupils with any misplaced items of clothing!


3W will have PE on Tuesdays and 3CB will have PE on Fridays. 

The children have now been sorted into their school houses. They will stay in these houses for the remainder of their time at Emmaus and will work to earn house points, in their sporting and academic endeavours and through kind and thoughtful behaviour. These will also be the teams that they represent on sports day and in the inter-house football and cross country events that take place throughout the year.

We are using Brush Ninja in our Y3 animation club. Feel free to create your own animations at home!
