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Tous Ensemble, En Chemin Avec Jesus

Year 2

Welcome to our class webpage. We hope that you will find it useful. 

We want you to know what a privilege it is to teach your child. We will do our very best to ensure that your child develops their love for learning in a safe and caring environment. We very much look forward to getting to know you and your child throughout this term. 


Meet our Year 2 team!

Contacting us


Please get in touch if there is anything we can support with. Whilst our contact details are below, we would always encourage chatting with us at the beginning or the end of the day at drop off/pick up times.


mail  Miss Walker -


mail  Miss Martin -


2M - Thursday 

2W - Friday 


Please ensure your child has their full kit (including pumps) in school on PE days. All items MUST be named. Kits will be sent home at the end of each half term.


Singing workshops

On Wednesday mornings, the children will be taking part in half hourly singing sessions delivered by Liverpool Cathedral's expert music team. These exciting and fun lessons will last for twelve weeks and culminate in a special performance. More information to follow. 

Homework Expectations


Reading is vitally important to engage children, stir ideas and feelings and ignite their interest and imagination. We all know that providing children with the opportunity to read for pleasure is so important to instill in them a love of reading and an appreciation of books. The children will bring home a Read, Write, Inc book to read to you. Please return these books every day.

In addition, we have included a recommended book list for year 2. This may help you to choose age appropriate books which will develop their love of reading. 


Weekly Home Activity

The children will complete an English, maths or topic based task and most of these can be completed in their green homework book. 

Homework should be returned to school on Wednesdays and will be sent out on Fridays. 

Spellings will also be sent home weekly.

Sent home every Friday. We will then follow up with a spelling test every Monday morning.



Times Tables

The children should be able to recall the 2,5 and 10 times tables by the end of year 2. Please see the links below for fun games to help the children learn these important facts. 


Thank you for your invaluable involvement in the children's education. 


