Autumn 1: Myself
I am special and have a special name
God loves me and knows my name
Everyone is precious and loved by God
Autumn 1&2: Welcome
I was made to feel welcome in my school
My name was chosen for me by my family
In Baptism, I was welcomed into God's family
Autumn 2: Birthday
I know how it feels to wait for a birthday
Advent: looking forward to the birthday of Jesus
Celebrating Christmas: Jesus's birthday
SPRING 1: Celebrating
To know what a celebration is
How the Parish family celebrates
The Presentation Story
SPRING 1&2: Gathering
To know how & why people gather together
The Parish family gather together at Mass
The joy of gathering to listen to God's Word
To know that Spring is a time when things begin to grow
Lent: a time to grow more like Jesus
Looking forward to Easter