At this time of year we would be focusing on applying our phonics skills. To make sure we recognise the sounds in words and can read sentences containing these words.
Please click on the link to read a free eBook from Oxford Owl which is focusing on these sounds. Your child may need support reading this book, please share it and support them.
To read these books you need to have registered for Oxford Owl Free eBooks. Click here to register and access these free books:
Please practice reading these Sound Spotter Stories which focus on a sound a story. If you child would like to extend these activities you could print them out, cut out the pictures and ask them to write a sentence to go with the picture.
Please be aware that some children may require help with these stories. Read with your child and if they find it difficult can you model how to read it. So sound out (spell) each word and then say the sounds faster and faster and then say the word. When you reach a tricky word or a high frequency word (and, the, in, to - see the attached sheets for the high frequency words) then don't sound it out, just say the word and say out loud, "This is a word I recognise from the shape of the letters." We do not expect every child to be able to read these sheets, by reading with them you are modelling the skills they need and teaching them how to read. We read for enjoyment so please have fun reading and you could even think of another sentence to go with them.
Activity Book
If you enjoy completing activity booklets please find a booklet containing the sounds:
j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu, ch, sh, th, ng
Additional activities you could do could be:
Words: ch - chop chin chug check such chip chill much rich chicken
sh - ship shop shed shell fish shock cash bash hush rush
th - them then that this with moth thin thick path bath
ng - ring rang hang song wing rung king long sing ping - pong