'Our First Nativity'
What wonderful Nursery plays, we can be so proud of all our children!
The children worked very hard learning the songs and parts in the Nursery play. So much fun was had performing for families; lots of laughter, room to ad lib and not a dry eye in the house! With solos and group songs the children learned about the Nativity story. They gained confidence and developed their French, their speaking and listening skills, concentration, clapping to a beat, moving to music and awareness of rhyme...who would ever believe that Phase 1 of 'Letters & Sounds' phonics could be so exciting!
Please don't forget those who were a little shy on the day or who were absent, but sang and took part so enthusiastically during the rehearsals.
Thank you for your generosity in giving to Christians Against Poverty, providing Christmas food parcels for UK families in need. We raised over £200.