EY Book Week
We enjoyed story and rhymes when the librarian came to visit. Some parents and carers came to join in too. 'Shark in the Park' was a really funny story and we pretended to 'look up, look down and all around' through a telescope just like Timothy in the book.
At the end of Book Week the Nursery children dressed up as characters from books. We had superheroes, princesses, cars and even a dragon! The afternoon Nursery joined Reception to enjoy stories from Reception's special author. Mrs Giaed then dressed up to read 'Room on the Broom' by Julia Donaldson. Children helped to tell the story with puppets. The children watched 'The Gruffalo' together. Nursery finished the week with a Book Week party.
The morning children will be watching 'The Gruffalo' and hearing 'Room on the Broom' next week. They will be joining Reception for sharing stories together next term.
Year 6 pupils came to read stories to the Nursery children, it was very exciting to listen to the juniors. Year 6 had been looking forward to sharing the children's favourite books with them too.
Well done Year 6, you were great!