Your child will work with their class teacher and teaching assistant in both classrooms (blue and yellow base) as well as our outdoor classroom (green base) and creative workshop (red base).
We believe in the importance of establishing positive home/school links and hope you will always feel able to come in and share any worries or concerns with us, once the children are in school and settled each day or at the end of the day once the children are safely with their carers.
Morning Arrangements
The Reception door will open at 8.50 a.m. and the school day begins at 8.55 a.m. when the bell rings. If you are waiting in our outdoor area before school starts, please ensure your child or any siblings, do not play or climb on our outdoor equipment stored under the canopy.
Our main priority is the safety and welfare of your child.
Please allow your child to come into school independently by saying goodbye to them before they come to school. It is impossible to ensure that every child is safely in our care if the doorways and classrooms are crowded.
Throughout the day the children are continually encouraged to line up, fasten and unfasten their coats and organise their belongings themselves to develop their independence skills. We would be really grateful if you could support this by encouraging your child to zip up or button their own coats at home, as well as helping them to identify their name labels on all their belongings.
The Reception door opens at 3.10 p.m. Our main priority is the safety and welfare of your child.
With this in mind, each child is directed to their carer individually and obviously this does take quite some time. Please be patient with us as we familiarise ourselves with the names and faces of all those involved in collecting your child from school. We operate a password system on those occasions when your child is collected by somebody unknown to the staff or different to their regular carer.
If your child needs to come back into school for anything they have left behind, please wait until all of the children have been handed over safely.
Children will bring home their homework bags every day with a reading book; this will initially be a wordless picture book. As their reading skills begin to develop, the children will be given a phonic or sight word practice reading book each day to share with you at home. Daily reading for 5-10 minutes per day has a hugely positive impact on young children's reading development.
In addition to reading books, every Friday your child will also bring home their 'Learning Log' homework book. This allows you to support your child to continue learning at home and embed their understanding of the topics taught in school each week. Learning Logs must be returned to school on Wednesday mornings
P.E./Outdoor Kits
Please send in your child’s P.E./outdoor kit bag as soon as possible and leave it on their pegs. We will send kits home at half-term for washing. PE lessons are timetabled for every Wednesday morning, in addition, the children will be involved in physical outdoor play activities led by the Reception staff every day.
..Wellies are stored on the welly rack in our outdoor area (please label wellies before leaving them on the rack).
Please ensure all of your child’s belongings are clearly labelled and encourage your child to attempt dressing and undressing themselves at home.
Our school has received a ‘Healthy Schools Award’, which allows each child to have a piece of fruit every day (usually in the morning). In addition, your child may bring into school a snack of dried fruit or a breakfast/cereal bar each day (labelled with their name). The children have milk on a daily basis. If your child will not drink milk please send in a carton of juice or a bottle of water (no fizzy drinks please), labelled with their names.
We encourage the children to drink water throughout the day as regular hydration helps to maintain concentration. Your child may bring into school their own bottle of water each day, labelled with their name.