Time to find the special place, the place to be quiet and still.
Humility is a difficult word to understand. But it’s a wonderful quality! If you have humility you can really listen to people, and you can see the good in everyone – and you can accept that you are not perfect!
In today’s Bible story, Jesus speaks about two kinds of people.
Watch the videos - they are both good in different ways.
Did you notice...
What the Pharisee does to show how ‘good’ he thinks he is?
What the tax-collector does to show that he knows he is not perfect – that he has done things that
are wrong?
Who Jesus says is ‘right with God’ that day?
How do you think the tax collector would feel on hearing this? What about the Pharisee?
The Pharisee liked to draw attention to himself. ‘Look at me! Look how amazing I am! Look how I am so much better than others around me!’ In order to build himself up, he put others down. This is the opposite of what humility is. Humility, or being humble, is about putting others first and knowing that you are not perfect. In this Bible story, Jesus mentioned that it was the tax collector that God was most pleased with... the tax collector who would be made great.
Make a list of acts that you could carry out to show humility - both in school and at home.