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Tous Ensemble, En Chemin Avec Jesus

Year 5



Mrs E. Cannon de Sousa          Mrs M. Murphy 


We would like to extend a very warm welcome to you and your child and hope that they will have a very happy and successful year.


Beth Tweddle's Total Gymnastics

Kurling intra competition - Year 5 Champions

Runners up

Year 5 Basketball Masterclass at Archbishop Beck High School

Year 5 Fun day at Croxteth Park- Happy Birthday to Ben Dzkoto

Secondary school open days for September 2018 intake

It is important you make the right choice when choosing a secondary school for your child. To help you make your decision, schools are holding open days over the next few months. These are a great opportunity to meet staff and pupils, view facilities and find out more. 

Thank you Matthew for your presentation about Scoliosis and informing us about Scoliosis awareness day, Saturday 24th June.

Learning about WW1 - Life in the trenches


Visit from Professor McKenzie

As part of Science week activities, artist Lucy Byrne visited our classes to demonstrate the skills necessary to draw mini beasts.

Visit to the Museum of Liverpool - Remembering WW1 Workshop

Speed Awareness course run by Liverpool City Council

Over the last few weeks, Year 5 have been investigating different forces. Here they are testing to see how the size of a parachute affects its air resistance.

Prayer reflections in preparation for Holy Week and Easter Celebrations

Congratulations to Jack Stanton for coming 2nd in the Cross country City Championships. Well done to him and the other runners who have gained their place in the City Champion of Champions next week

Year 5 Sport Young Leadership awards

Year 5 Football team win all of their games in the EFC tournament and gain their place at Finch Farm finals in May

Year 5M Water Safety at Ellergreen

Thanks to Mrs Simm for coming along to talk to the children about the Jewish celebration, Passover. The children worked in groups to identify some of the items used during the special gathering and learned about the importance of this occasion to Jewish families.

Committee members promoting Fairtrade fortnight

The children read a variety of poems and highlighted figurative language such as simile, metaphor and personification. They spotted patterns in the way the verses were written.

Here come the Vikings!

Learning about the Vikings during guided reading