We plan our Early Years curriculum with our children’s talents and needs placed at the heart of all we do. The Reception long-term plan below provides a general overview of the core provision for the year, this is then enhanced according to the interests of the children. Through this, specific skills, concepts and attitudes are developed in line with their individual attainment. Please click the link below for Reception Curriculum Map...
The Early Years phase at Emmaus begins in the Nursery and continues until the end of the Reception year. The Early Years curriculum is based on the following areas of learning; the prime areas of Personal, Social & Emotional Development; Communication & Language and Physical Development together with the specific areas of learning: Literacy, Mathematics; Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design.
Assessment in Reception
During the Reception year, as part of the learning and teaching process, we observe and assess each child’s development in relation to the age related expectations and 17 early learning goals in each of the prime and specific areas of learning. These assessments are summarised and recorded in each child’s individual EYs Profile.
Assessments are made through observations of the children engaged in child-initiated and adult-directed tasks, as well as a shared dialogue between teachers and parents/carers. By the end of the Reception year, each child will leave the Early Years phase and enter Key Stage 1 with their strengths celebrated and their future learning needs clearly identified.