Hi children, you are going to be my new class of 2021!
I hope you are all keeping well and enjoying time at home.
Although, I know most of your lovely faces from the playground I am so looking forward to getting to know you better by being your teacher!
I have to say, year 2 has to be the most exciting year at Emmaus.
We learn about amazing things and while we are learning there is always lots of fun, laughter and friendships. We truly are all fantastic fun in year 2.
You will be working with:
If you get stuck with anything there is lots of people to help you out. We even have a stuck table! This means you are always able to get help if you need to.
During your time at home try to read as much as possible children as this is really important to help you enjoy year 2. We really work hard at reading so if you start at home ,reading every single day you will be able to do all the work in year 2.
I feel so lucky that Mr Williams has decided I am going to be your teacher and I promise you all you will love year 2. Keep smiling my lovely new class and I will see you all very soon.
Lots of love
Miss Martin and the Year 2 team.