What are minerals and do we have an endless supply?
Tuesday 5th March
LO: To understand what minerals are and question if they can used sustainably.
Examples of minerals, some in their natural state and some products made from minerals.
Examples of common minerals include: coal, oil, sea shells, diamonds, rubies, pyrite (fool’s gold), table salt, gold, copper, aluminium, iron, steel, gravel, brick, sand and stone.
Look at a map of the world (in an atlas), which shows mineral distribution. What conclusions can you draw from the map?
Minerals such as rocks, oil, coal and metals are extracted, mined or quarried from the earth for human use. Most metals occur in rocks as ores which have to be crushed and processed to obtain the metal.
The video which explains how steel is made from orerich rock.
Next, follow the link to learn about the extraction of coal.
Do think there is an endless supply of minerals?
Minerals are a non-renewable natural resources, and we need to think sustainably about their use.
Research some of the issues concerning the sustainable development of minerals.
Think about your own minerals use and how you can contribute, for example by using resources economically, by ‘reducing, reusing and recycling’.
Use your research (websites and videos above) of minerals to answer the following:
Write in paragraph form. You may present your work in a creative way.