PE – Yoga (2)
LO: To link actions together to create a yoga flow.
Warm Up and Introduction
It creates a nice environment to have the music playing whilst you are creating flows or completing skill development activities. 'Breathe' is a good track to use whilst completing mindful breath activities.
Sitting with good posture, put your hands together. Say 'namaste.'
Take a big breath in for three counts and then out for three counts. Repeat this a few times.
Imagine a balloon that you try to inflate and slowly deflate.
Make this harder by breathing in and out for four counts each breath.
Using the sun salutation story, copy the poses holding each for three breaths, three counts in and three counts out for each breath.
Repeat the sequence holding the poses for two breaths and finally one breath.
Try to move in time with your out breaths.
Make this harder by completing the flow with eyes closed.
Skill Development
Lie on your back with your hands at your side.
Imagine you are wrapped up, lying down in the snow.
Breathe in for a count of three, bringing your arms up and legs wide as you do. When you breathe out, bring your arms back to your side and legs back together (like a snow angel).
After a few turns, practise doing this with your eyes closed.
Move your body in time with your breath.
Make this harder by breathing in for four counts and out for five counts.
Sitting in a good 'sitting position', put your hands together in prayer. Say 'namaste'.