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Tous Ensemble, En Chemin Avec Jesus

Liverpool Schools' Parliament

Child Friendly City (CFC), which organises the Liverpool Schools' Parliament, has recently relaunched this scheme and we have chosen our four representatives, Anna, Max, Summer and Ace. We look forward to our first meeting with Schools' Parliament members from other schools around the city. This will be held in Liverpool's Town Hall in January 2024. 

June's session

We attended our final Liverpool Schools’ Parliament session for this school year. The feedback provided by the students in our previous meetings has been invaluable to the local council and Child Friendly City team. They were able to share an update with us about what our involvement has influenced. 


As well as this, we looked forward to the future of Liverpool Schools’ Parliament and helped to suggest topics to be covered in meetings in the next academic year.

April's session

Our Schools' Parliament members had their final meeting on Wednesday at the Town Hall. We thought about PLACE and what could make our future happier and healthier #YoungVoicesBigIdeas Our ideas will be used for an upcoming exhibition at the Museum of Liverpool in October, later this year.

March's session

Emmaus Schools' Parliament members met with Paul Olubayo, Liverpool's Race Equality Officer for education at the Town Hall on Monday. We explored 'racism and belonging' in relation to our school & city. It was great to talk about such important issues and to consider how we can treat each other fairly.

February's session

Our Schools' Parliament members met at Liverpool Town Hall with Liverpool City Council leader Cllr Liam Robinson and Cllr Lila Bennett to discuss children's mental health in schools and around our city. It was great to have our voices heard.

January's session

It was great to be back in Liverpool Town Hall for the Liverpool Schools' Parliament session. Summer, Ace, Anna and Max reflected on "What does education mean to you?" Lots of super discussion between schools and a chance to have our voices heard. We can't wait for next month's session!

Schools' Parliament Representatives 2023-24

Liverpool School’s Parliament has given an opportunity for the children and young people of Liverpool to have a voice on matters of concern and to be heard by the people who have influence in the running of the city. 

The parliament has also provides an opportunity for them to participate in a range of exciting events and activities and empowers pupils to make a real difference within their community.

The Upper House represents those young people aged 11-19.
The Lower House represents those young people aged 7-11.


Meetings of the Parliament previously took place in the Council Chamber of Liverpool Town Hall but, since the Covid-19 pandemic, they have been taking place via Zoom. Liverpool Schools’ Parliament is an official committee of Liverpool City Council. All decisions made by the Parliament are passed on to Liverpool City Council. Most recently we have been giving our views and input on Liverpool as a Child Friendly City.


Our new Schools' Parliament representatives for 2022-2023 are James, Anoushka, Joel and Nicole


Our new Schools' Parliament representatives for 2021-2022 are Bella, Isabella, Nell and Ava. 

Liverpool is a Child-Friendly City

The Schools’ Parliament met on Zoom this week to discuss feeling safe in our city. We looked over how we feel safe in different places such as our home, at school and in our community / neighbourhood. We thought about who we could talk to if we didn’t feel safe. We all feel safe at Emmaus and we can talk to our teachers and friends here.

Bella, Ava & Nell

Our first meeting

Our first meeting included a workshop from guests Wedge Collective. Find out more about this Liverpool based company here: Wedge Collective. This was a workshop in visual communication to prepare the children for the Liverpool Child Friendly City logo design call out, launching on World Children’s Day 20th November.


We also explored the children’s ideas for a website for children and young people for Liverpool, including what content they would like to see and make. The parliament will vote on the proposals they like best and the winners will be put into production with the support of CFC and their partners!

It's time for Autumn's Primary School Parliament! This session we welcome children to discuss the theme of communication. We will be meeting on Wednesday 17th November 10-11.30am online.


About this event

This week marks Anti-Bullying week (15th- 19th) and World Children's Day (20th), so what better time to explore how we communicate what children want and need in order to make Liverpool a better place?

This LSP session will ask pupils to envisage content for the Child Friendly City website, ensuring that children and young people across Liverpool have access to the information they want in the way they want. This is a live opportunity: pupils are invited to be content creators and work in collaboration with industry professionals to bring the site to life.


The Schools’ Parliament for Liverpool hosted their first meeting on Tuesday 1st December. Our Y6 representatives met up virtually, via Zoom, with other students, from primary and secondary schools around the city. They were able to ask questions and voice their opinions on education within our city. Jonathon Jones, Director of Education for Liverpool, joined the meeting and answered one of our questions regarding children’s mental health and emotional well-being. It was great to know that pupil voices are being heard by those in charge of our city and even our country. We look forward to our next meeting in January.

Four of our Y6 children joined up with children from across the city to participate in the Schools’ Parliament Zoom meeting, on Monday 26th January. They met to discuss Liverpool's journey to becoming a UNICEF 'Child Friendly City' and to about the launch of 'Liverpool Year of Writing'. Cllr Barbara Murray, Cabinet Member for Education, Employment and Skills, also introduced the children to the Write Here, Write Now ten-minute writing challenge.

