Gloop, Mark Making and Water Play
The children explored sensory gloop, trying to pick it up and letting it run through their fingers. We talked about how it felt.
Great fun was had playing together outdoors. Many children loved jumping in puddles and filling up containers and watering cans from the tap. Large scale marks were made using decorator's rollers and brushes painting the walls. Rollers and big egg chalks were used to mark make on the beach and play ground.
We are teaching the children to become more independent in their learning through play. The children are trying hard to put on their own wellies and all weather suits, socks, shoes and coats.
Please encourage your child to put on their own uniform, socks, pants and shoes. The children are learning to put their coat hood on their head and push in their arms, We are delighted that a number of children can now do this independently! Please reinforce this with your child at home. We start off the children's zips and then they fasten their zips themselves. The children feel so grown up and proud when they manage to dress themselves, it is such an achievement!