Kind Song
Speak a little word of kindness to every girl and boy,
Share a happy conversation, with laughter and with joy.
Show that you care about them, in the thoughtful things you say,
Choose your words carefully, to help them on their way.
Well done! That's cool,
You're special, no fool.
I really think you're wonderful,
I'm glad to know you're in our school.
Together Song
There's a time in every day, we come together to say
Thank you to our king, for the world that we live in
There's a time in every day, we sing together and pray
For how we live, how we share
Each one special everywhere
Together we'll walk, together we'll run
Together we'll grow towards the sun
Together we'll work, together we'll play,
Together we will grow closer, every day
In this school of ours we'll come, so many different people
Different faces, different hearts
But together we can build, to be a family
Together, you and me
Some to teach, some to learn
Each one special in their turn