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Phonics & Spelling

Nessy Reading Strategy | OU Words

Learn words where 'ou' makes the sound /u/ as in 'young'. 'ou' actually makes three sounds! Watch this video and play a sorting game with the word cards below.

Nessy Spelling Strategy | Homophones | Learn to Spell

Week Beginning 22nd June Activity

Week Beginning 15th June: 'Wr' Spelling Rule Activity

Week Beginning 15th June: Spelling rule - /r/ sound spelt with 'wr'

Watch this video and complete the activity above. Show your work on Purple Mash.

Week Beginning 18/05/20

Using the document above, find things in your house and garden that contain each sound on the list and write them... or for a challenge can you find more than one? Perhaps you can find 3 things of each sound. Time yourself or set yourself a challenge to photograph something with each sound in a short amount of time!

Week beginning 11/05/20

Attached above is a PDF document complete with this week's phonics recap for ALL year 2 pupils. Please take a look and allow your child to access the challenges. 

Free PhonicsPlay access

PhonicsPlay have some wonderful games for the children to play. We often use these in our phonics lessons in school which last for 20 minutes each day. These are particularly useful for phases 3-5. Year 2 spelling games are also available on purple mash under "grammar > chicklets".