Thank you for all your generous gifts! We, as a staff, have been thoroughly spoilt! We hope you have a wonderful holiday and we look forward to seeing you all again in September - don't forget to give us a wave in assembly!!
Sign up for the summer reading challenge at any of the Liverpool libraries this summer.
The Summer Reading Challenge takes place every year during the summer holidays. You can sign up at your local library, then read six library books of your choice to complete the Challenge. There are exclusive rewards to collect along the way, and it’s FREE to take part!
The Summer Reading Challenge website helps you keep track of your reading all year round: find new books to read take part in competitions and play games.
Summer Song for Kids | The Singing Walrus
Please bring in a NAMED bag for life or similar ASAP
to carry home the children's exercise books, contents of their tray etc.
Thank you!
This week:(17/7/17) Last week in Y1!
Y1 watch the Y6 leavers assembly
Y1 watch the Y6 leavers assembly
Infant Sports Day Presentation
Infant Sports Day Presentation
Whole school assembly
School closes at 1.30pm
Whole school assembly
School closes at 1.30pm
Dates for your diary:
School closes for Summer Holidays on Friday 21st July at 1.30pm
School reopens for staff INSET on Monday 4th September
Children return to school on Tuesday 5th September
There will be no more reading books or homework sent home until the children are in Y2.
Please take a look at home and return any school books you may find
- there is an amnesty!!!
Merit Winners
Colour Mixing
Great Great Brill Brill!
Sorry folks....this song will drive you mad but the children in Y1 have loved learning about our great, great, brill, brill, wicked, wicked, skill, skill, friend like Jesus!
Talk PANTS with Pantosaurus and his PANTS song #TalkPANTS
Meet Pantosaurus - our pant-wearing Dino! He wants every child to stay safe and strong, just like him, and he's on a mission to share an important message.
The Better By Bus Club Song #BBBkaraoke
READY, SET, SING! Channel your inner songstress and join The Better By Bus Club in singing about how fun it is to get the bus. This is the song we learnt in assembly on Friday.
Find out more about travelling by bus around our city this summer on the Better By Bus website. Click on the picture link to meet the Better By Bus Club gang and decorate your own bus!
As part of our Pupil Well-Being Week we have been learning about making healthy choices for our breakfast, drinks and snacks. Have a look at this website to see who much sugar can be found in the cereals, drinks and snacks we enjoy.
CROSSRIGHT - Road Safety Training
Reward for all their hard work with phonics!
The Sun Song
We have been learning about the sun as part of our Seasonal Changes science topic. Watch this video to find out more...
This is a fun game to play with a friend or family member as we practise adding 10 to numbers. See if you can add 10 successfully to beat the other submarine.Sorry, this game requires Flash so won't work on mobile phones or tablets - computers only
Art week with visiting artist, Eimer
African Dance
We had a wonderful time with Mr Olushonde who taught us some African gospel and traditional songs and then dances to go with them. Look out for them in our assembly next week!
Fruit Tasting!
Each of us is a flower
The needs of a plant
2D and 3D Shape hunting!
Planting bulbs in Croxteth Park
Planting our beans
3D Shapes
We have been 'busting some moves' to this song as we learn the names and properties of some 3D shapes in class.
Hunting for 3D Shapes
The Easter Bunny Visits Emmaus!
The Easter Bunny visited us at Emmaus! He brought us lots of Easter eggs but we had to solve the clues in the hunt first. The winners of the Easter Raffle for 1CB were Isabelle and Taylor and for 1W were James and Charlie. Well done!
Mad Science Assembly
The children enjoyed a visit from a Mad Scientist! He wowed us with some exciting experiments and there will be a Mad Science club starting after Easter for 8 weeks (please see the letter that went home in the homework bags). We even recreated a thunder and lightning storm in the hall and watched a chemical reaction that resulted in a (safely controlled!!) fire!
Halton Castle Trip
Take a look on the Educational Visits tab at the top of the page to see more photographs from this wonderful trip.
We use this website to show the children how to correctly form their continuous cursive letters in preparation for joined up handwriting in Year 2! If you peek through the windows of the classrooms in the morning you will see this on the interactive whiteboards. Any of the activities in the 'letters' tab at the top are appropriate for our Year 1 children. This link will take you directly to the page for the lowercase letters but you can also practise capital letters or numbers via this website. * We have now moved on to the 'joins' tab and are working on continuous cursive joins.*
Please encourage the children to sit straight at a table or desk, to hold the pencil (not pen) carefully and to sit their letters on the line. Any questions, please do not hesitate to ask us. We appreciate all the help you give your children at home - it really does make a difference.
For the next 6 weeks both Y1 classes will be enjoying PE / dance lessons on a MONDAY morning with GLS Dance Company. The juniors were treated to these lessons in the first half term of 2017 and they loved them so we're really forward to our turn. Please make sure that all PE kits are returned on the very first day back as our first class is on Monday 27th February!
On a similar note, please can you ensure that ALL PE kit is clearly labelled with your child's name? Try as we might, somehow 5-6 year olds frequently manage to pack their next-door-neighbour's T-shirts, shorts and pumps as well as their own and we've had a few wandering items this term. We really are doing our best to return them to their rightful owners!
Perseverance - Derek Redmond's Story
As part of our Collective Worship theme, perseverance, we have looked at people who persevered in times of difficulty. Class 1CB were very taken by this video and asked me to add it to the website so they could show it to their families. It reminds us that when we find things difficult, we don't have to face it alone. God, our father, walks beside us and supports us until we reach the finish line.
Perseverance - The Brownlee Brothers
Christopher Columbus
As part of our Destination Outer Space topic we learned about Neil Armstrong, a recent explorer. We have compared him to Christopher Columbus as an explorer from 500 years ago. The children enjoyed singing this song!
We've been practising our halves with this fun game and the best bit is...we can play it on iPads and tablets as it doesn't require Flash! Have fun with it at home too. Can you beat your record?
Sorry parents, this is a bit of a rude version of LOOK, READ, COVER, WRITE, CHECK! Following on from the well-known method of learning spellings, this game can be used to practise high frequency words and tricky words. Check out the view from each toilet cubicle and spot which country you're in. Don't forget to flush and wash your hands after you've been to the toilet! Sorry, this is not a tablet-friendly game.
KS1 Judo demonstration and after school club
We have been practising ordering and spelling the days of the week. This is one of our favourite games - we have to tap the bouncing balls in the correct order to spell the days. Have a try at home on your computer (sadly this will not work on tablets/mobile phones).
As part of our new computing topic we are looking at greetings cards and are going to design and make our own. This means we need to know how to find the letters on the keyboard. We had a lot of fun playing these games and finding the letters against the clock! Click on the link to start with cup stacking which is the easiest one.
We are now working with real money and enjoying counting all our coins! Please practise money at home and maybe even have a little trip to the shops so that your child can experience using coins in real life situations.
This game on the left is a good way of practising counting out the correct amount.
The Solar System Song
We have enjoyed learning about the planets in our Solar System and had a go drawing and labelling them too. This is one of our favourite songs at the moment.
After Christmas we will be starting basic multiplication and division - counting in multiples of 2s, 5s and 10s and then grouping numbers into sets. Any practise you can do at home will benefit them in class greatly. Thank you in advance!
Counting in 2s.mp4
Counting in 5s.mp4
Counting in 10s.mp4
We have been working so hard on these songs for our Christmas play. Have a practise of the first verse for each song below!
All Around the World
Gabriel Calling
Little Star
The Donkey Song
The Tree of Light
Christmas day on the Beach
Three Kings from the East
Come to the manager
Children of the World
Christmas Candle
Santa Claus is coming to Town
Christmas Hit
The Tiger
We have been reading a variety of poems in Literacy and looking at rhyme and rhythm. Class 1CB especially enjoyed writing their own verses for a poem called The Tiger and using adjectives to make it sound interesting. We hope you enjoy reading this as much as we enjoyed writing it!
Noisy fun with Jeff Rich (Ex Status Quo drummer)
We were very lucky to have a visit from a very famous drummer (not the the children had any idea who he was!) He explained about the history of the drum and demonstrated the different noises each piece of his drum kit could make....then the fun really began! What a n exciting visitor and the children weren't in the least bit bothered by the noise level! They loved having the opportunity to play with all the percussion instruments and Jessica had the chance to play the hi hat.
Andy Goldsworthy is an artist from Scotland. He makes sculptures and other works of art out of natural materials: like wood, leaves or stones. In class we have looked and some of his amazing creations. We used leaves, conkers, beech nuts, twigs and acorns from Croxteth Park that we collected on our Bear Hunt, other natural items found on the school playground and field and our imaginations to create these wonderful pieces of artwork.
We have been learning about odd and even numbers. Here are some games that we can play on the computer to practise sorting numbers into odd or even. Click on the picture to try them out! (Sadly this activity requires Flash and so cannot be played using a tablet, sorry.)
We have been learning to differentiate between our -teen and our -ty numbers in numeracy. We find this tricky as they sound so similar. We watched the video below to help us with this too.
-teen and -ty numbers
Owl Babies
We have been reading this story in our Literacy lessons and really enjoyed watching the video.
Using our senses
We have been practising our mouse skills in the computer suite with these games. Several children have asked for them to be added to our class page so they can play them at home. They are not educational games but are useful for getting to grips with a mouse as a method for controlling a computer...the children are all experts at using a touch screen on the school iPads or touch pad on the laptops, but the "old-fashioned" mouse proved tricky for many! Click on the mouse to access a selection of simple mouse skill games.
Have a play on Pick A Picture which we have been using in our Phonics lessons.
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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