Mrs E. Cannon de Sousa & Mrs M. Murphy
We would like to extend a very warm welcome to you and your child and hope that they will have a very happy and successful year.
** Year 5 Viking day
Thursday 8th February
Children to come dressed as Vikings for the day.
Please remember to bring your decorated helmet, which was set as
this week's homework.
Year 5 Bikeability days:
5C: Thursday 25th January & Thursday 1st February
5M: Friday 26th January & Friday 2nd February
Children are to come to school wearing a tracksuit, trainers, waterproof coat and they must bring gloves as they will be outside most of the day. A helmet MUST be worn throughout the training.
Details and consent forms will be sent home next week. Please make sure your child's bike is in working order (brakes, gears, tyres etc.)
Bikeability trained cyclists receive a badge and a certificate in recognition of the level they achieve.
**Reminder that Year 5 will begin swimming lessons, Wednesday 10th January 2018. This is a 5 week course.
Maths games can be a fun way to learn times tables. These games have been selected to provide practise and to consolidate your knowledge of times tables, factors and multiples.
Click on the icons below to play.
***Reminder - Year 5 Assembly will take place,
Thursday 19th October 2017 at 2.15 p.m.
All parents and grandparents are very welcome to come and watch the performance.
Your child should have brought a letter home this week informing you of the character they have chosen to be and the clothes they will need to bring to school for the assembly.
We hope to see you all there.
Ministry of Chocolate Workshop
Tuesday 3rd October 2017