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Tous Ensemble, En Chemin Avec Jesus

Year 3


Your teachers this year are Mrs Edwards (3E) and Mrs Cooper and Mrs Buckland (3CB)

You will also be helped by Mrs Hill, Mrs Lockhart, Mrs Lees and Mrs Neil

Mrs Jabakhanji will cover the PPA for both classes

Visit Liverpool with 3CB

Still image for this video
To finish our persuasive writing topic in literacy, class 3CB worked to persuade tourists to visit Liverpool. They wrote brochures and even produced this advertising video to promote our amazing city! Where would you like to visit?

It's set to be a scorcher this week. Please ensure your child has a bottle of water in school, as queues for our water fountain are likely to be very long! A cap to be worn at playtimes and suncream applied in the morning are also advisable.

Please could your child bring a STRONG bag into school for all their school books, display items and tray contents which will be sent home this week!

This Week: (22/7/19)


  3CB 3E

Junior awards

Junior awards


Change for Life assembly

Change for Life assembly

Whole school assembly

School closes at 1.30pm

Whole school assembly

School closes at 1.30pm






Dates for the Diary:

Junior Awards Assembly on Monday 22nd July

Break up for summer holidays on Wednesday 24th July at 1.30pm

INSET Day on Monday 2nd September (Staff only)

Children return to school on Tuesday 3rd Setember

There will now be no more reading books sent home as we begin our annual library audit. Please return all school reading books, no matter how long you've had them! We never mind; we would rather have them back so that we don't have to buy so many replacements.


Thank you!

3CB are hoping to adopt an animal with the Born Free Foundation. We raised over £50 selling our bath bombs (thank you for your support) and need £36 to adopt an animal for one year. Take a look at all the animals which are endangered and would benefit from our help.

Y3 Homework (Two weeks)

In Y3 we have been learning about the Romans - how they invaded Britain and their way of life. The children have enjoyed discovering about the Roman soldiers and looking at their weaponry. We have decided to set a practical task for homework which will need to be completed by Wednesday 22nd May, ready for use in our lessons in either the final week of this half term or the first week back after the half term.


We would like you to make a Roman shield or scutum which can be used by the children to re-enact defensive and attacking patterns formed by the soldiers, such as the tortoise. We’re hoping for some nice weather as the term progresses so that we can take the children out onto the field and test out their shields as the opposing class throws scrunched up
newspaper at the Roman soldiers!


Decide on a shape for your shield using images of Roman shields below for inspiration. The most iconic scutums were rectangular with rounded edges, though circular and oval shields were used as well. The basic rectangular shield will probably be the best place to start. Keep in mind that it will be more difficult to cut complex shapes and curved edges.

The piece of cardboard will need to be big enough to cover a large portion of your body - approximately 70cm x 100cm.

You can paint this with traditional Roman designs or have a more modern take on it.


We look forward to seeing your work and testing them out!


We have really enjoyed exploring the Earth with Google Earth! See if you can find some places that you know!

We have moved on to division. This written method can be known as short division or THE BUS STOP METHOD. It helps us to divide larger two- and three-digit numbers by a one-digit number.


Start by dividing the number in the left hand column by the number outside of the bus stop. Work your way right. Don't forget to carry any remainders to the next column.

My Lighthouse

Still image for this video
We have absolutely loved singing this song in our collective worship!

This week we have been working on multiplying and not just our basic timestables. We have used this timestable knowledge to multiply by multiples. For example:

if we know 3 x 5 = 15

then we also know 3 x 5 0 = 1 5 0 

and also 3 x 5 0 0 = 1 5 0 0


We can multiply bigger two and three digit numbers using the grid method:


You can see us using this method in the photograph gallery.

Here is a quick guide to column subtraction which includes regrouping (formerly known as borrowing!) The actual method hasn't changed but the vocabulary that we use with children has. Stick to Hundreds, Tens and Ones again!
We are now working on addition using columns in our maths lessons. Please refer to this website (there's a video too) to explain the way that we teach this to the children. Adults, please note that we no longer use units but ones. The numbers are placed in columns which can be labelled HTO (hundreds, tens and ones) to retain the place value as we add larger numbers. 
Please ensure all items of school uniform and PE kit are clearly labelled with your child's name. This makes it easier for us to reunite pupils with any misplaced items of clothing!

The children have now been sorted into their school houses. They will stay in these houses for the remainder of their time at Emmaus and will work to earn house points, in their sporting and academic endeavours and through kind and thoughtful behaviour. These will also be the teams that they represent on sports day and in the inter-house football and cross country events that take place throughout the year.
