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Tous Ensemble, En Chemin Avec Jesus


Mark Making and Motor Skills -

Ready to Write!


The children have been marking on giant rolls of paper, in floor books, collages and on A4 paper too; choosing from media provided indoors and outdoors. The children are encouraged to tell their friends and staff about their marks, patterns and paintings. 

Developing the muscles in children's shoulders, arms, wrists and fingers are essential for a good tripod grip on writing tools and controlled movements and letter formation as the children grow and develop. The children are developing these muscles and fine motor control through play with tweezers, pegs, threading, jigsaws, dough play as well as painting and drawing. Outdoors they roll tyres, transport sand and water, make marks with giant chalks, sticks, floor rollers and bubbles, decorators' brushes and rollers to develop muscles in their shoulders, wrists and arms. The children  have enjoyed Disney princesses in the small world play, to change their clothes the small dresses have to be pinched at the bottom to lift the doll out...developing fine motor control and muscles used in writing.


Water Fun and Outdoor Play


We have had a very exciting time playing, exploring and beginning to make friends. We are learning how to be more independent by putting on our own wellies and waterproofs, then taking them off when we have finished our water play. It's tricky remembering not to walk on the wet play area in just our socks! 

We have transported water to the beach to make sand castles, we made 'cement' and a giant potion, poured water in the hook a duck and floor rollers and had a fantastic time jumping in puddles. Some of us filled hard hats with water and experimented making fountains!

As we play we are developing our social skills, learning to share resources and wait patiently for our turn. There is so much we can talk about as we play and laugh together, developing our communication and language skills while we have fun. We loved catching ducks too; we helped one another to recognise the numbers.  

We made patterns on the sand and enjoyed exploring the different sounds of the pans and tea pot percussion.

Water Play and Outdoor Fun!

The New Nursery Children Ready to Play and Learn

In Nursery we have been enjoying exploring indoors and outdoors, learning how to use the taps in the toilets, eating snack with friends and putting used plates and bowls in the sink. 

We have been listening to stories, singing and saying prayers. At home we have made collages and drawings of 'a few of our favourite things' then shared our interests during carpet time. We have been collecting Autumn leaves to bring to Nursery for leaf printing and our Autumn interest  table. 

​We are learning how to put on our coats and wellies to play outdoors. We will be putting on our 'all weather suits' to play in the mud kitchen, transport water from the tap and dig in the wet sand and soil too. We are having lots of fun and making new friends at Nursery.