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Tous Ensemble, En Chemin Avec Jesus

Topic Letter for Parents

Moving Year 1!

Listen to our 'Moving On' Song...

It is hard to believe that we have begun our final half-term of this school year! Our final topic is ‘Moving On’.  We plan to really make the most of what is left of our time in Reception by reflecting on and celebrating all the special times we have shared this year, before beginning our preparations for ‘moving on’ to Year One. 


Personal, Social & Emotional Development

The children will be encouraged to share their personal memories and experiences of their first year at school.  We will turn our thoughts to moving up to Key Stage 1, and support the children to develop their self-confidence by understanding that they are ready now to move on to new opportunities and fresh adventures in Year One.  In July, the children will attend a special transition assembly for the whole school where we will all say goodbye to our friends in Year 6 as they move on to their new secondary schools.  After this celebration, the children have a chance to visit their new Year One classes and meet their new teachers.  They will also be involved in welcoming, reassuring and taking care of our new Reception intake of children when they come to visit our classes before they start school in September. 


The highlight of our year will be our Reception Graduation Celebration which will take place on Friday 19 July at 9.30 am (details to follow in a separate letter).  We hope you will be able to join us in the school hall as we celebrate all the children’s achievements this year (don’t forget to bring your tissues!)


Communication and Language

During circle time, we will reflect on our talents and share our dreams and hopes for the future.  We will use our special books and learning journeys to recall events and recount our experiences.  The children will contribute to their end of year school report by talking about their favourite things in Reception and articulating what they think they have learnt this year.  In addition, our graduation celebration will offer lots of opportunities for the children to develop their confidence when communicating as they will speak, sing and respond confidently in front of an audience.  If your child brings a speaking part home to rehearse, please support them to remember their words and saying them loud and clear!



All the literacy skills we have taught this year will be consolidated over this half term.  The children will know their literacy targets and understand what they need to do next in order to be ready for Year One.  These skills include:


*Reading all Phase 2 and 3 tricky words and high frequency words on sight

*Recognising, remembering and saying all the phonemes, digraphs and trigraphs taught this year

*Using phonic skills to blend simple words to read

*Using phonic skills to segment simple words to spell

*Practising handwriting skills to write letters using the correct sequence of movement

*Developing confidence to write independently: full name, labels, captions, sentences

*Extending writing skills to write for a purpose: stories, lists, letters, signs, instructions, cards, messages


Our learning log homework books will focus on each of these skills as the term progresses and we will send home additional resources for you to support your child over the summer holidays. 



As with literacy, all the mathematics skills taught this year will be revised and consolidated to prepare the children for the Maths curriculum in Year 1.  The key skills to concentrate on are:


*counting accurately groups of up to 10, then 20 objects

*recognising, naming, ordering, sequencing numerals to 10 then 20

*matching sets of up to 10, then up to 20 objects to the corresponding numeral

*counting forwards/ backwards to/from 10, then 20

*saying the number that is 1 more than/1 less than a number to 10, then 20

*using addition to combine two groups to find a total to 10, then 20

*using subtraction to find how many left when taking away from 10, then 20

*estimating numbers

*recognising doubles and halves

*name and describe flat 2D and solid 3D shapes

*recognising, copying and recreating repeating patterns

*comparing and ordering three objects by length, height, weight, volume

*using mathematical vocabulary relating to time and money

*writing the numerals 0-9 using the correct sequence of movement


Understanding the World

As we prepare for our graduation celebration, the children will be invited to identify the different ways they have grown and changed since they were babies and how much they have grown as they prepare to move on to Year1.  *Please send into school a baby photo of your child (named on the back) or preferably, please email a jpeg photo to (please note, we will use these photos during our graduation celebration).


Expressive Arts & Design

We will enjoy Art Day on 3 July and work with a visiting artist to produce a piece of collaborative artwork.  We will also be rehearsing and learning a selection of songs, dances and speaking parts for our graduation service.  The children will be encouraged to perform their part with confidence to ensure our final performance together will be an event to remember!


Physical Development

We will explore healthy living and find out ways to look after our minds and bodies as we grow.  We will participate in a ‘healthy eating’ cooking lesson, led by our school caterers and produce a healthy dish to enjoy at lunchtime.  We will also begin ‘cosmic yoga’ in PE and continue with our after-lunch and end of day meditation and mindfulness sessions every day.


We are all looking forward to an exciting and memorable conclusion to our year together.  Please let us know if there is anything we can advise or help with as the children move ever closer to their transition to Year 1.
