Our Trip To Formby Red Squirrel Reserve
The children, parents, grandparents, aunties and uncles had a wonderful time on the Nursery trip to Formby National Trust. The guides led us on a walk through the woods where we looked for rabbits, red squirrels climbing up and down trees, rabbit holes, fox holes, tree stumps, magpies and chewed pine cones, to name just a few things!
We met red squirrel puppets who showed us what they can and can't eat from their squirrel lunch boxes. Lennon suggested his group's squirrel puppet should be called Mr Nutkins; what a great name!
We learnt about the habitat of the red squirrels and how the larger, grey squirrels take food from the reds and pass on squirrel pox too. Any grey squirrels found in the reserve have to be caught and taken to live somewhere else. We heard that a squirrel's nest is called a drey.
After our walk we went to the beach for a picnic. We built sand castles, drew in the sand, looked for shells and paddled in the sea...although some children looked as though they had been swimming and Isla fell in!
Evan and his dad wrote his name in the sand, Ethan was buried in sand by his sister, Mia and William shared their bats and balls with friends, and Alex and Sophia were bursting with new found confidence playing in the sea! The sunny weather made it feel as though we were on holiday and many families decided they would visit again soon.
Lots of children fell asleep on the coaches home after such an energetic day!