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Tous Ensemble, En Chemin Avec Jesus

Year 6

We would like to extend a very warm welcome 

to you and your child 

and hope that they will have 

a very happy and successful year.


Miss Dickinson         Miss Williams

Mrs Richmond






Key Information



6D & 6W - Homework is due in on a Tuesday It will handed out on or before Thursday


Spelling & Times Table Tests

Spelling and times tables tests will take place on a Friday.



6D - PE lessons are on Wednesday afternoons.

6W - PE lessons are on Friday afternoons.

Please ensure PE kits are in school.


Click on the link to find out what some of our Y6 pupils are getting up to on our annual ski trip. This year, 20 pupils are heading to Bormio, Italy with the Liverpool Primary Ski Association from 21st-28th March.