Good News and Pentecost RE Theme
We have been learning about the story of Pentecost and sharing the good news of Jesus. The children have shared their good news from the holidays with the class from their special books and photos emailed in were shared on the Clever Board. We have talked about the Easter and Pentecost stories in the Bible and made drawings and mark making in our floor book. We have sung the 'Alleluia Song' too.
The children learned that the Holy Spirit is like the wind; you can't see the wind but you can feel it and see what it does. We made kites to fly at the beach on the Nursery trip to Formby. We also played with windmills, bubbles, scalves and dandelion seed heads, watching them blow in the wind. Becca and Luna were very kind to share their bubble machines with their friends.
We had fun painting an 'Alleluia box' outdoors and made Pentecost cards to post to our friends. We made dough cakes using Pentecost fire colours too.