We have included videos so you can take part in a phonics lesson and play games focusing on these sounds.
Additional activity suggestions:
- Write the sounds on pieces of paper, do 3 or 4 of each sound and put one on each step of your stairs. Encourage your child to say the sounds as they stand on each step.
- Write the sounds in chalk on the floor outside, shout out a sound and throw teddies/balls onto that sound. You could shoot them with a water gun or use a nerf gun, etc. Whatever will motivate your child the most.
- Play hide and seek with the sounds. This could then be developed into a word game. Write a word by writing the sounds on separate cards e.g. j - a - m. Hide the sounds around the house and explain to your child they need to find the sounds and make the word 'jam'. Your child will have to work out the sounds they need to find and bring all 3 back to you to make the word.
Words: j - jam Jill jet jog Jack Jen jacket
v - van vat vet Vic Ravi Kevin visit velvet
w - will win wag web wig wax cobweb wicked
x - mix fix box tax six taxi vixen exit
Visit the websites linked below to play games. Choose Phase 3 and play games with these sounds:
The site above is free at the moment with the login details:
Half the games on Phonics Bloom are free, visit and have fun: